From the legacy of Dematel, telematic information services for medicine and biomedical research (a very small company founded in Catania in the late 1990s by two young doctors specializing in clinical pharmacology, the first to make Medline available in Italian along with various original advanced research tools) and with the help, today, of the European artificial intelligence Mistral (because the Chief Scientific Officer, that is me, can no longer program even a TI-57), MeSHQ The PubMed MeSH Squeezer was born.
It is something that Dematel had invented and no one brought back after the company closed down (which was not making enough profit, unfortunately).
It works like this: you set a search term on PubMed, the maximum number of articles, and it brings up a list of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) that describe the articles found.
Look through the list; you'll find interesting and unusual things that stimulate your lateral thinking. Click on the checkbox next to it and then at the end of the page click on “Search PubMed.”
A new page will open where you will find articles that mention those MeSHs.
Read and learn!
brought to you by Ernesto de Bernardis (CSO) and Guido Mangano (CFO) of Dematel, which is gone but somehow is still there.